Europcar Rome Fiumicino Airport
‘Rent a Car’ sign leading you in the direction where you get the car of your own choice for the travelling on Italian roads sake. In both domestic and international arrival halls, there is a counter of Europcar rent a car company. This facility is exactly located in the walker tunnels which link the terminal building to B and C level of the car park. The opening time of the desk of the company for making bookings is same through a week i.e. early 7 in the morning. It gets full stop to pay for renting a car at sharp 12 of night. The Europcar car hire at the airport promotes the idea of online business and even after the desk made payment asks you to go for an option of online purchasing. This can be done by visiting their website where they treat you with more warm welcome offering those announcements which has never been taken by counter purchase. Besides the fact of easy to access just by clicking some of many clicks and entering some amounts at home, there are many disadvantages.
These all many are said to be one when it sounds to get a name of being expensive. These cost making factors include, road tax, license fees, Vat, surcharge of airport and surcharge of CDW (collision wavier damage). The company also lacks with one very unusual requirement that is to return back the vehicle with the same of amount of fuel as it was when they rented you. This flaw makes the Europcar car hire at the airport to not to get successful. Concluding all this with the fact that this Europcar rental company is not friendly with the pocket of one individual when he/she get over with whole of his/her family.